Dear Coventry Community,
Like a cool night breeze in August, summer has once again wafted by. I am very excited to welcome all of you back to school. This year feels so much different for me personally as I will be returning to a school I have grown very, very fond of in my brief time here. Knowing the students, parents, and community members will enable me to more effectively lead our school forward in a positive direction. Getting the chance to meet and talk with the people of this community has been my favorite part of the job. This summer has seen a return to the beautiful sunny weather we’ve come to expect, and despite the occasional monsoon-like downpour, we’ve had a great summer for getting into the many outdoor activities we love here in the NEK.
It has been busy here this summer. With the new addition complete, we have been able to turn our attention to further improving systems for delivering targeted instruction and support to our students. We made plans to build on the community engagement events of last year to increase the already close ties that exist between the people of Coventry and the school. Many faculty and staff members have given their summer time to these efforts, meeting frequently at school to develop the approaches that will be most effective for moving our students ahead academically and socially. This year will be devoted to improving our processes and streamlining our systems across the board in a way that maximizes positive student growth and development.
We are once again very fortunate to have the vast majority of our faculty and staff returning this year. This is the exception rather than the rule at many schools in our area, and this low turnover is a direct reflection of our school’s positive climate. The staff here are dedicated self-starters who are capable of taking on more initiative and responsibility for managing systems development and implementation, and this has an extremely beneficial effect on our overall program. That said, we will have a few new faces at the school this year. Bayla Stewart comes aboard as our new first grade teacher; Christina Quintal will be the new school counselor; Carol Cooke will be the new Student and Family Support Specialist; Emma Chaput is our new behavioral support paraprofessional, and Jon Fletcher will be joining us as the nutrition director. All of these folks are experienced professionals who will add value to our team. Please take a moment to welcome them when you can.
Important: We have included an annual student information update request in this packet. Please complete this so we can have updated contact information for all your children. This allows us to have current information, including phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contact information, etc. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school (or drop by in-person) and we can help you with the update.
I can’t wait to get started. I believe our school’s experience and stability will be significant factors in helping us reach our achievement goals. If you have any questions, please contact me, I am always happy to meet with you to go over any ideas, suggestions, or concerns you may have. I am excited to see what we can accomplish this year, and I am looking forward to seeing all of you on August 27th.
Jason B. Lees
Principal, Coventry Village School